Camera Settings
The low-down nitty gritty! Here are some ‘This is How’ pieces by our TiR members that all contain the specific camera settings they used for each wedding photography capture:
This Is How: ‘Champagne Circus’ by Adam Johnson
In the thirteenth of our regular series of ‘This Is How…’, the brilliant Adam Johnson (who is also one of our Collection One Reportage Award and Reportage Story Award Judges) gives us his thoughts on exactly how he got this striking capture.
This Is How: ‘Floating Flower Girls’ by Catherine Pound
In the twelfth of our regular series of ‘This Is How…’, the fab Catherine Pound gives us her insights as to how she got this beautiful capture.
This Is How: ‘Ringbearer in Washington DC’ by Bradley Hanson
In the eleventh of our regular series of ‘This Is How…’, US-based photographer Bradley Hanson tells us how he got this great image – and on film, no less!
This Is How: ‘Alternative Perspective’ by Sam Docker
In the tenth of our regular series of ‘This Is How…’, we have the fab Sam Docker giving us his perspective on this alternative perspective shot…! (Sorry, couldn’t resist that). Such a striking image, this, and Sam’s insights as to his thought process and technique is incredibly interesting.
This Is How: ‘Mirrored Moment’ by Jonny MP
In the eighth of our regular series of ‘This Is How…’, Surrey-based photographer Jonny MP, tells us how he got this brilliantly creative image.