We're now in Judging week: Winners of Collection 44 to be announced soon...


24mm, 35mm, 85mm, zooms…there are lots of tools available to us wedding photographers! In the following posts, our This is Reportage members talk about the lenses they used for wedding photography – and why:

This Is How: ‘Caught Getting To The Church’ by Martin Beddall

Fab to have Martin Beddall on the blog today to tell us how he got this recent Reportage Award from Collection Five. As well as technical details of how this shot was achieved, it’s really interesting to read about Martin’s thought process, and seeing lots of other images he took of the scene, too. Thanks Martin!

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This Is How: ‘The Limbo Challenge’ by Martin Makowski

Delighted to have Martin Makowski with us today, taking us behind the scenes of his recent Reportage Award from Collection Five. Great tips about trying different perspectives, envisaging an image, and the process he went through to try (and succeed!) to achieve it. Also included is lots of supporting images; various other captures by Martin, so you can see how he worked through the scene – great stuff indeed, thanks Martin!

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This is Storytelling: ‘Nele & Michael’ by Sanne De Block

We’re absolutely delighted to have the brilliant Belgium-based TiR member Sanne De Block on the site today, taking us behind the scenes of her recent Story Award – but not only does Sanne talk in depth about that, she also lets us know how she won a Reportage Award which came from the same wedding; double-documentary goodness! We can’t recommend this post enough, with fantastic insights into working in wet conditions (so wet that one of her cameras stopped working properly – eek! – and how she dealt with the problem), practical advice on how to capture in-between moments, lens and flash info, and much more…

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This Is How: ‘Limber Limbo’ by Geeshan Bandara

Brilliant to have the fab Geeshan Bandara on the site today, taking us behind the scenes of how he captured this recent Reportage Award from Collection Four. Great insights into getting in really close on the dance-floor, going for the different angles/viewpoints, lighting, settings, pre-focusing and more…thanks so much, Geeshan!

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This Is How: ‘The Flag Bearers’ by Nikola Smernic

An honour to have the fantastic Nikola Smernic on the TiR blog today to tell us all about how he got this Reportage Award-winning image (in Collection Three). Brilliant insights into the importance of capturing the ‘in-between’ moments of a wedding day, making the most of light sources, positioning, capturing traditions, as well as lens choice and full settings. Thanks so much, Nikola; an amazing capture and brilliant read!

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Aga Tomaszek

best reportage wedding photographers in the world

york place studios

best documentary wedding photographers

best reportage wedding photographers

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