We're now in Judging week: Winners of Collection 44 to be announced soon...


When it comes to photography – and whether you like it or not – editing is a major, major factor. Whether that’s tips about Lightroom usage, dodging and burning, cropping, black-and-white conversions or more, it’s all so useful to know about, and can really elevate an already good capture into a great one. Here’s some editing tips and techniques by our TiR wedding photographers:

This is How: ‘Cigarettes and Alcohol’ & ‘The Call Back’ by Patrick Mateer

Thrilled to bring you a brand new ‘This is How’ piece today, and it’s a double-header, as the fab Patrick Mateer reveals how he captured two Reportage Awards from the same wedding.

This is a really in-depth piece – thanks so much Patrick! – with lots of insights into things such as reportage details, colour, composition, the power of cropping, contrast, capturing the dancefloor, the first dance, shooting close, visual ‘call backs’, observation, context, and more….

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This Is How: ‘The Reading’ by Rob Dodsworth

We’ve had a bit of a break from our ‘This is How’ series, but are so happy to be back with a brand new piece, by the fab Rob Dodsworth. Great advice about living the moment, composition and observation…thanks, Rob!

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This Is How: ‘Lucky Tears’ by James Correia

So great to have James Correia on the site today, telling us all about how he captured this emotional image which so deservedly won him a Reportage Award back in Collection Six. This is an exhaustive and incredibly insightful piece, with James dishing out some unbelievably great nuggets of advice – definitely a must-read!

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This Is How: ‘Mother, Daughter and Grandmother’ by Simone Miglietta

Really great to have Simone Miglietta on the site today, telling us all about how he captured this emotional image, which earned him a Reportage Award back in Collection Six. Really interesting to hear his thoughts about empathy, respect, composition, why he edited it in black and white, and more…thanks a lot, Simone!

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This Is How: ‘Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun!’ by Emma + Rich

Super to have the fab Emma Warley of Emma + Rich on the site with us today, taking us behind the scenes of this fab Reportage Award-winning capture from back in Collection Three. Really great insights into making the most of each and every capture, composition, editing, and Emma also includes lots of supporting images so you can really see how this image came about – thanks so much, Emma!

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Aga Tomaszek

best reportage wedding photographers in the world

york place studios

best documentary wedding photographers

best reportage wedding photographers

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