Revealing the winners of our first Collection of 2025! Click here to see the full Collection

This is Giuseppe Genovese – Collection Fourteen Judge

Excited to announce the fourth of our five judges for Collection Fourteen: The fab Giuseppe Genovese! One of the very best wedding photographers in Italy, Giuseppe takes his creative documentary wedding photography all over the world; an honour for us to have him casting his eyes over our entries for Collection 14.

Deadline is just a few hours away: Submit by 23:59 GMT on 24th March 2020. Not yet a member? Join us here.

Giuseppe Genovese

Giuseppe’s list of honours is long and distinguished – including numerous awards from the likes of Fearless, MyWed, WPJA, WPS and us here, at TiR. It’s easy to see why as well: Emotional, timeless captures, all captured with an incredible amount of creativity.

Giuseppe Genovese

His approach obviously really resonates with us here at This is Reportage, and we couldn’t agree more with these words from his website:

“I love to tell in a unique and exclusive way the day of your YES without poses and interferences – capturing, instead, in a discreet way, the most important moments and the most sincere and authentic emotions.”

Giuseppe Genovese

Thank you, Giuseppe, for judging for us!

Don’t delay if you want to enter; deadline is just hours away. Submit by 23:59 GMT on 24th March 2020. Members receive 18 Story Award and 60 Reportage Award entries per year, along with many other benefits. Join us here.

Aga Tomaszek

best reportage wedding photographers in the world

york place studios

best documentary wedding photographers

best reportage wedding photographers

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