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We witness the entire gamut of human emotion as a wedding photographer, and capturing it is everything to us. Here are tips about capturing emotion by our TiR wedding photographers:

This Is How: ‘A Generation’s Touch’ by Kim Rooijackers

Delighted to have the fab Kim Rooijackers on the site today, telling us how she captured this Reportage Award-winning image from Collection Six. This is a great piece, with Kim sharing some great advice about the ‘congratulations’ time especially…thanks so much, Kim!

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This Is How: ‘The Money Shot’ by Jesse van Kalmthout

Delighted to have Jesse van Kalmthout on the site today, telling us all about how he got this fantastic Reportage Award-winning capture from Collection Six. This is an absolutely brilliant piece, with great insights into capturing emotion, his thought process and exact technique, observation and so much more…thanks so much, Jesse!

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This Is How: ‘Emotional Connections’ by Matteo Carta

An honour to have the brilliant Matteo Carta on the site today, as he tells us all about how he captured this Reportage Award from Collection Six. Capturing moments like this is something we all aspire to, and it’s fantastic to hear Matteo’s story behind this award-winning frame. Over to Matteo…

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This Is How: ‘Emotional Boys’ by James White

Fantastic to have James White with us today, as he takes us behind the scenes of his Reportage Award-winning capture from back in Collection Five. Really great insights into shooting through the scene, observation, getting up close, capturing emotion, and a great run-down on his edit, too. Thanks so much, James!

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This Is How: ‘Head In Hands x 3’ by Olly Knight

Delighted to have a new ‘This is How’ piece on the site today, with the fab Olly Knight telling us all about how he captured this great speech image. Olly shares so much gold, here, including insights into bonding with his couple (and their family/friends) – and just why this is so important – composition, shooting up close, shooting through the scene, info on his edit (with a before/after comparison), and more…thanks so much, Olly!

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Aga Tomaszek

best reportage wedding photographers in the world

york place studios

best documentary wedding photographers

best reportage wedding photographers

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