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Great documentary wedding photography is all about watching and observing – you can’t just whack your cameras in burst mode and machine-gun it all day. Here are some ‘This is How’ pieces talking about how observation was vital in order to get their images:

This Is How: ‘Mother, Daughter and Grandmother’ by Simone Miglietta

Really great to have Simone Miglietta on the site today, telling us all about how he captured this emotional image, which earned him a Reportage Award back in Collection Six. Really interesting to hear his thoughts about empathy, respect, composition, why he edited it in black and white, and more…thanks a lot, Simone!

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This Is How: ‘Four Funky Ladies’ by Sophie Callewaert

Delighted to have Sophie Callewaert on the site today, telling us all about this Reportage Award-winning capture from Collection Seven. Great insights into observation, getting up close, composition, editing, and just why this image why so important in terms of Sophie’s documentary direction; thanks so much, Sophie!

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This Is How: ‘Corrupting Influence’ by Lucy Judson

Fantastic to have Lucy Judson on the blog today, as she takes us behind the scenes of this Reportage Award-winning capture from back in Collection Three. This is a really extensive piece, with Lucy dealing with lots of different subjects, including patience, intuition, ‘looking for the moment’, the importance of capturing the moments before, and more. With supporting images as well, this is a fantastic read; thanks so much, Lucy!

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This Is How: ‘Smokin’ Grandpa & The Furious 3′ by Christoforos Mechanezidis

Honoured to have Christoforos Mechanezidis on the site today, telling us exactly how he captured this Reportage Award from Collection Six. This is a fantastically detailed piece, with Rossi going into real depth about his thought process and technique, including lots of great insights into observation, intuition, and much more…thanks so much, Rossi!

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This Is How: ‘Mirrored Feelings’ by Marnix de Stigter

Fantastic to have the brilliant Marnix de Stigter on the site today, telling us all about how he captured his recent Reportage Award from our most recent Collection, Collection Seven. Really great tips on observation, patience, composition and more…thanks, Marnix!

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Aga Tomaszek

best reportage wedding photographers in the world

york place studios

best documentary wedding photographers

best reportage wedding photographers

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