Member Posts
Member Post: ‘The Democratic Eye: Street Photography and Weddings’ by Wayne La
It’s great to have a guest article by TiR member Wayne La on the site today, all about the links he finds between street photography and wedding photography. Really useful tips and insights into the many different elements of street photography, and what they’ve taught him in terms of wedding coverage too…thanks so much, Wayne!
Member Post: ‘The Pros and Cons of Working as a – Married – Photographer Team’ by Mitzy Geluk
It’s super to have Mitzy Geluk on the site today, as she talks all about the advantages (and certain disadvantages…!) of working as a photographer duo when you’re also married. Really interesting to hear her thoughts on this, and definitely a subject that will resonate with so many wedding photographer married teams – thanks so much, Mitzy!
Member Post: ‘Shooting For Yourself’ by Robin Goodlad
Delighted to have TiR member Robin Goodlad with us today, as he tells us all about the virtues of ‘shooting for yourself’. Robin’s thoughts and experiences of how his love of landscape photography has actually meant he’s become a better reportage photographer is a brilliant read – with stunning images as well:
Member Post: ‘Wanderlust’ by Tobias Löhr
Fantastic to share a great article by This is Reportage member Tobias Löhr today, all about his passion for travel and street photography, and how this has had a major impact on his wedding photography career. Over to Tobias:
Member Post: ‘Sensibility’ by Shlomi Amiga
Excited to share a fantastic article by Canada-based This is Reportage member Shlomi Amiga today. Super insightful words on really feeling photographs, being present and the definition of ‘sensibility’, which, as Shlomi says below, seems totally written with wedding photographers in mind. Over to Shlomi: