Welcome to the This is Reportage blog, where we'll be sharing lots and lots of documentary wedding photography goodness. Check back frequently for the latest features…
This is Now
It’s the time of the year where wedding season begins for some of us (though not all, as seasons vary from country to country), and so we’re super happy to be bringing you another ‘This is Now’ feature: A round up of natural, unposed images, captured from weddings that have taken place over the past few weeks by some of our TiR photographers.
We love seeing what our members have captured recently; from intense partying action, to emotional speeches, first dances to last dances, and everything in between; it’s a joy to see how differently – and uniquely – each photographer captures each moment.
So, without further ado, here’s some brilliant recent photos from some of our TiR members worldwide – and, as always with us, these are all natural moments; capturing the real essence of both the wedding day, and the people themselves.
This Is How: ‘Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun!’ by Emma + Rich
Super to have the fab Emma Warley of Emma + Rich on the site with us today, taking us behind the scenes of this fab Reportage Award-winning capture from back in Collection Three. Really great insights into making the most of each and every capture, composition, editing, and Emma also includes lots of supporting images so you can really see how this image came about – thanks so much, Emma!
Story Award by Sanne De Block / Collection Eight
We have two different Awards here at This is Reportage: Our Reportage Awards, which are for those individual brilliant captures, and our Story Awards, which are for a series of 15 – 20 images, all from a single wedding – and, as always with us, every capture is taken naturally, without any input from the photographer or posing. True documentary wedding photography at its very best.
This Is How: ‘Four Funky Ladies’ by Sophie Callewaert
Delighted to have Sophie Callewaert on the site today, telling us all about this Reportage Award-winning capture from Collection Seven. Great insights into observation, getting up close, composition, editing, and just why this image why so important in terms of Sophie’s documentary direction; thanks so much, Sophie!
Story Award by Cafa Liu / Collection Eight
Our Story Awards are for a series of 15 – 20 images from a single wedding – and, as always with us, are totally natural, un-posed and unscripted moments. Receiving one of these Story Awards is incredibly tough, as a photographer must show consistently world-class creativity, consistency and storytelling; an incredibly difficult feat.
Collection Eight was revealed this week, and just the top 4% of submissions became Story Awards. Collection Nine is open now; members receive 18 Story Award entries per year (as well as 60 Reportage Award entries (for individual captures) per year).
This is a Story Award by Cafa Liu (Canada), from Collection Eight: