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Podcast Episode 50: This is the 50th Special

Can’t quite believe we’re up to our 50th Podcast episode! It was less than a year ago that we launched (on November 7th 2019), and I really didn’t know how it was going to pan out; it was my first foray into the world of podcasting – would people tune in? Would they like what they heard? Would we have any listeners at all…?

Fast-forward almost a year later and I have to say the Podcast journey has been incredible – with over 32,000 plays so far, with listeners from all over the world. I want to say a massive, massive thanks to everyone who has tuned in – it really means a lot to know that the incredible photographers who share their time and expertise with me each week are being heard and appreciated.

And many thanks to those listeners who have been so kind as to leave us a review on iTunes, or to share something about an episode on their Insta Stories, or who have sent me messages via Insta or FB or by email…your kind words and support really mean so much to me – they really make my day to hear how you’re enjoying listening, they really do – so thank you so much.

A final – and very important! – thanks to each and every photographer who has joined me for an episode; you have all shared *so* much, been so incredibly generous with your advice and tips, and have been *so* open; no questions have ever been out-of-bounds, and I adore how honest and sharing you have all been. You’ve also put up with some of my truly awful and/or random questions, so, for that, I do indeed salute you. I know that, personally, I’ve learned so much over the course of these 50 episodes so far, and I know many people around the world have also benefitted from your openness – thank you all so much.

So, to celebrate this milestone of our 50th episode (as I do believe that milestones are worth celebrating in life, for lots of different reasons) I thought we’d do a special episode! I thought long and hard about what we could do that would be fun and different – and yet would still stay true to the core theme of the Podcast (which, incidentally, I think is just as much about the people – if not more so – than it is about the photography-side) and I thought….Game Show! Ha, why not? A ’50-themed’ Game Show to celebrate our 50th episode.

So that’s what we’ve done! I’ve asked back a few of our Podcast guests (as I thought that would also be a fun thing to do for this special episode, bring back a few people who have already been on the Podcast) and we’ve done an entire ‘game show’ type episode, complete with prize…! Thanks so much to my wonderful returning guests: Adam Johnson, Adam Riley and Anna Hardy.

For one of the ’rounds’, I asked This is Reportage members various 50/50 questions (see the ’50’ theme there…? Ha!), and thank you so much to everyone who replied – we had 173 responses, which was absolutely amazing. The results of these are all revealed in the very first round of the game show, so if you want to know things such as whether most people shoot solo or with seconds, whether they get nervous before each wedding, or if they prefer eating or sleeping, make sure you listen in.

We also have lots more rounds, all loosely-based around the ’50’ theme – it was a lot of fun to record; I really hope you enjoy listening, and maybe you’ll play along too.

As a little bonus, TiR members can also watch the video-recording of this episode if you want to see all our squirming faces too….! (You need to be signed in to your TiR account for that link to work. Not yet a member? See all the benefits and join us).

As always, you can listen in lots of ways: ‘Ask Alexa’ for the This is Reportage Podcast (as we’re over on Amazon Music), Spotify, iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube (although the YouTube version is still not the full video version; that version is exclusively for members) and below in this post:

win a this is reportage t-shirt

Two chances to win a This is Reportage or This is Reportage: Family T-shirt!

We’re also celebrating this 50th milestone by giving away not one, but two, This is Reportage or This is Reportage: Family T-shirts! You can see me wearing one on this episode’s artwork. One chance to get a T-shirt involves you listening to this episode and answering a very simple question about it, and the other involves you sharing something about the Podcast on social media. Full details below:

First Chance: Answer this question about the episode: “Who wins our Game Show?”

You’ll need to listen to the episode to find out! Simply enter your answer, name and email address below (and don’t worry, you won’t be added to any mailing list or anything like that; we’ll just use your email address to contact you if you’re a winner). Deadline is 23:59 GMT on 5th November 2020:

    This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

    Second Chance: Share something about the Podcast on social media (Instagram or Facebook)

    For the second chance to win a T-shirt, you need to share something about the Podcast – could be about this episode, could be about any of our other episodes, or just the Podcast in general – on Instagram or Facebook (as we’d love for the Podcast to be listened to by as many people as possible). The post could be an Insta Story, a post on your Insta feed, a post on your Facebook, or even a Facebook Story.

    Bonus entry if whatever you share involves a selfie-style video of you actually saying something about it – as it’d be lovely to see and hear some listeners – but it’ll still be a valid entry if your share is image or text related too, of course. Specifics about this:

    • Share something about the Podcast on social media
    • Tag us in the post (@thisisreportage) and use the hashtag #TiR50thpodcast
    • Make sure you are doing it from a public-profile (as we need to be able to see it!)
    • Bonus entry if you share a selfie-style video of you talking about the Podcast!
    • It can be on Instagram or Facebook, and could be an Insta Story, a post on your Insta feed, a post on your Facebook, or even a Facebook Story.

    Deadline for both chances is 23:59 GMT on 5th November 2020.

    After the deadline is reached, we will do two separate random draws: There will be one T-shirt winner from the Podcast question, and one winner from the ‘social media share’ chance – so please feel free to use both options to increase your chances of winning. The winners will be able to choose from a This is Reportage or a This is Reportage: Family T-shirt (men or women sizes M or L), with international delivery included too.

    Good luck, and I hope you enjoy the special Podcast episode; here’s to the next 50!

    As mentioned, all our guests on this special episode have been on the Podcast before, so click the links below if you want to hear their individual episodes:

    Adam Johnson (Episode 1)

    Anna Hardy (Episode 45)

    Adam Riley (Episode 47)

    You can hear all of our 50 episodes so far over here.

    Aga Tomaszek

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