Mike Cook
Stirlingshire & Renfrewshire | United Kingdom
About Mike
I don't want to bore you guys with a hundred and one facts about me and my background - so, to keep it short and sweet, I'm now in my 13th year shooting weddings which makes it about 500 weddings in total...only seems like yesterday since I started! So I guess I must be classed as fairly experienced at what I do now...I hope so, at least, LOL.
I live in Larbert, just outside Falkirk, with my wife Claire and two boys, Matthew & Christopher, who always keep things lively and interesting shall we say!
In my previous life, I ploughed my trade in the not so glamorous world of banking for more years than I care to mention - it didn't teach me a lot about photography, but it did teach me an awful lot about customer service...good customer service that is, oh...and spreadsheets LOL.
So, I'm a very easy going, laid back type of guy (most people would say) and that very much suits my style of shooting on the day. If you want someone to boss you around and direct you all day then I'm probably not the man for you. No. if you don't notice me much on the day, well, that's a good thing in my book.
And, for anyone that is interested in all the facts and the like (not that any of this makes me a better photographer :-)), I'm originally from London but have lived here in Scotland for 20 years now, so please bear with my Scottish banter in a Cockney twang! For my sins, I follow the mighty Spurs...not good for your health! Back in the day, I also worked there for a few seasons as a steward although my only claim to fame during that time was having to eject a few Millwall supporters for smoking! But I did get to watch the games for free!
I'm a massive fan of most types of music...no plastic "chart" pop though! I also dabble occasionally on the old guitar (although it sits gathering dust most of the time) and I'm currently learning to speak Greek...for no real reason at all...although it does annoy the wife and kids :-)!
I would also very much like to shoot your wedding day!