Jesse and Moira La Plante
United States
About Jesse and Moira
About Jesse:
I’ve been shooting weddings for 18 years. Before that, I was a professional photojournalist.
If pressed, I could probably eat around 47 tacos.
Skiing is my favorite pastime. We have two seasons here at J. La Plante Photo: wedding season and ski season.
One of my greatest joys in life is cracking open a beer after a long wedding day.
I love to travel. I’ve been to all 50 United States and 20 foreign countries. So far…
Moira and I have been together for 18 years and not a day goes by that I don’t wonder just what in the hell she sees in me.
About Moira:
Events are in my blood. I grew up in a family-owned catering business and planned events at Georgetown University before I ever picked up a camera.
If I see a dog, I consider it to be a good day.
I’m trying to name all the animals that visit our new property. My current favorites are Attila the Bun and Conan the Bar-bear-ian. And our bobcat, Roberta.
My idea of a perfect evening is a fuzzy blanket, a good book and a glass of whiskey.
I’m pertinacious to a fault. Few things motivate me more than being told what I want is impossible to achieve.
Jesse and I met on spring break in the Bahamas. He offered to buy me a drink. It was an all-inclusive resort.