federica ariemma
About federica
Hi I’m Federica!
I was born in Naples in 1987.
I have coffee flowing in my veins and a strong Neapolitan soul.
I am strongly linked to my land and to my origins, even though I feel I belong to the whole world.
I love Asia, Asian people and Buddhism. I love traveling, as soon as I can I prepare my backpack and leave.
I am a greedy constantly on a diet, I love white chocolate and pizza, strictly Neapolitan.
I love simple things, I like habits and routine, but I am one with head shots.
My motto is “let you go“.
I am precise, determined and solar.
I look tough, actually I’m very sensitive. At every wedding I got emotional.
I hide the tears behind the camera, the only place where I feel safe.
I abandoned after 9-year course of study and a specialization in Nutrition degree to live of photography.
I love weddings.
I love the emotions of the newlyweds, the unpredictability of people, I love tears, deep looks, intertwined hands, the warmth of families, strong hugs, children who run and get dirty, grandparents who fall asleep.
I try to tell every story in a simple, natural and elegant way, as I feel it and live it.
I simply let myself be carried away by emotions and by the day, without directing it or modifying the natural course of events.
I like to think that my story will be a memory forever in someone’s life.
I love this job because, in reality, for me it’s not a job and, as someone says: “love your job and you’ll never work a day of your life”.