Revealing the winners of our first Collection of 2025! Click here to see the full Collection


Welcome to the This is Reportage blog, where we'll be sharing lots and lots of documentary wedding photography goodness. Check back frequently for the latest features…

Collection Seven Winners Announced!

Thrilled to announce the winners of our first Collection of 2019: Collection Seven.

Once again, it was incredibly tough to win an Award, with just the top 4% of individual frames becoming Reportage Awards, and the top 5% of Stories becoming Story Awards (for a series of 15 – 20 images (all documentary, of course!) from the same wedding).

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This Is How: ‘A Generation’s Touch’ by Kim Rooijackers

Delighted to have the fab Kim Rooijackers on the site today, telling us how she captured this Reportage Award-winning image from Collection Six. This is a great piece, with Kim sharing some great advice about the ‘congratulations’ time especially…thanks so much, Kim!

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This Is How: ‘Waiting Time’ by Emilie Marchandise

Lovely to have Belgium-based This is Reportage member Emilie Marchandise on the site today, telling us all about how she captured this Reportage Award-winning shot from Collection Six. Thanks so much, Emilie!

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This Is How: ‘The Money Shot’ by Jesse van Kalmthout

Delighted to have Jesse van Kalmthout on the site today, telling us all about how he got this fantastic Reportage Award-winning capture from Collection Six. This is an absolutely brilliant piece, with great insights into capturing emotion, his thought process and exact technique, observation and so much more…thanks so much, Jesse!

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This is JOS Studios – Collection Seven Judge

Thrilled to announce our final judge for Collection Seven: The brilliant JOS Studios! Comprised of Jos and Tree Marie Woodsmith, this American duo have captured weddings as far flung as Iceland, Hawaii, Paris and Vienna; can’t wait to see what they and our other four judges choose as winners in just under two weeks time! (Deadline for submissions is very soon: Submit by 23:59 GMT on 24th January 2019).

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Aga Tomaszek

best reportage wedding photographers in the world

york place studios

best documentary wedding photographers

best reportage wedding photographers

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