Revealing the winners of our first Collection of 2025! Click here to see the full Collection

This is Michal Warda – Collection Six Judge

Excited to reveal our fifth and final judge for Collection Six: The fantastic Michal Warda of WhiteSmoke Studio! Based in London, UK, and shooting all over the world, Michal’s creative documentary approach is something to behold; honoured that he’ll be casting his eyes over our Reportage and Story Awards for Collection Six.

Image by Michal Warda

As well as winning numerous awards themselves as a Studio – including being named one of the World’s Best Wedding Photographers by Professional Photographer Magazine, and numerous ISPWP and WPJA Awards, Michal, with his partner Dorota, have spoken at workshops and conferences around the world, including the upcoming Boring Workshop in 2019.

Image by Michal Warda

There’s a real depth to Michal’s imagery; patterns, layering and clever juxtapositions – elements that really make you look deep into each frame. “Purposefully looking to capture the moment between the moments”, as Michal says on his website; an approach which really resonates with us here at TiR

Image by Michal Warda

Thanks again to Michal for being one of our five judges for Collection Six; we can’t wait to see what our panel choose as winners in just under two months’ time (in order for an image or Story to be awarded, it must be voted for by at least three judges. Entries are currently open for Collection Six; deadline is 23:59 UK time on 23rd November 2018. You can see winners of previous Collections over here).

Come join us at TiR; we want to showcase the very best in documentary wedding photography – both as individual captures (our Reportage Awards) and the art of storytelling, of consistently and creatively capturing a wedding (our Story Awards, which are for a series of 15 – 20 images from a single wedding). Members get 5 free Reportage Award entries and 2 free Story Award entries per Collection, with six Collections a year. That’s 30 Reportage Award entries and 12 Story Award entries annually, all included in your membership fee – with lots more benefits as well (including a profile on the site with unlimited images/Stories, exclusive deals with other wedding photography-related companies, opportunities for extra exposure on our blog, Facebook and Instagram, access to our members-only FB group, and much more). Apply for membership over here.

Aga Tomaszek

best reportage wedding photographers in the world

york place studios

best documentary wedding photographers

best reportage wedding photographers

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