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Podcast Episode 45: This is Anna Hardy

It was super to talk to the fab Anna Hardy for episode 45 of the This is Reportage Podcast! Anna was originally a wedding photographer and has transitioned fully to family photographer now (indeed, she’s an incredible Manchester family photographer) – as well as being an educator, too. She was also one of our judges for our first Collection over on our documentary family photography sister-site, This is Reportage: Family.

Anna shares *so* much with us today, including top tips for if you’re a wedding photographer looking to get into family photography, an exhilarating story of one of her skydives going wrong (and how that links in with the importance of doing things your own way – in life, and business), why empathy is vital to family work (and things you can do to boost that), tips on marketing and how to get more family clients, and so much more…

This is Reportage and This is Reportage: Family members receive an exclusive discount on Anna’s ‘The Roost’ online family photography course, too – sign in to your account and visit the members area to see how to get this exclusive discount.

As discussed on the episode, Anna is also soon releasing her new brand new membership site, The Shutterhood. Head over here for all the details and to get on the waiting list (which’ll also mean you’ll get an exclusive discount when its released).

Listen to the Podcast on iTunes/Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, YouTube, and below in this post:

Aga Tomaszek

best reportage wedding photographers in the world

york place studios

best documentary wedding photographers

best reportage wedding photographers

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