Toni Darcy
Lancashire & Cheshire | United Kingdom
About Toni
I’m Toni, a full time, professional and award winning wedding photographer based in sunny Lancashire. I just moved in to my beautiful house last year and like nothing more than throwing some logs on the fire and snuggling up to my beautiful dog, Yossi.
I’m not ‘just’ a photographer though. I’m a people watcher. I am also dress holder, a hair pinner, a button hole attacher, a bag carrier, a comedian (with bad jokes) but most of all I’m a friend who wants the best for you and your wedding.
My love for photography probably started way before I bought my first camera. I was absolutely obsessed with looking at old photographs. My Great Aunty Eileen would sit with me for hours explaining the stories behind every single one. The little square black and white ones , the ones with torn edges and even the colour ones that are super faded. I found it fascinating that she knew the moment behind every single one. Times change I know that. She won’t have had an iPhone with 4000 pictures stored within easy reach, but instead she had lasting, long lasting memories of so many moments that now I can treasure.
Then I realised. Our photographs are our memories, but they are also our existence, our treasure. The photographs you take today or tomorrow, they are for you. Though ultimately the photographs you take, they are for your children, they are your memories.